
Andrew J. Bacevich

A woman is surrounded by her children as she sits amid a pile of debris in the processing area towards Abbey Gate, as they wait to leave Afghanistan, Wednesday, August 25, 2021.

What We Miss When We Say a War Has “Ended”

Bringing to light the kinship among American wars—and, by extension, their true significance—requires situating them in a single historical framework.

The ‘Revolution of ’89’ Did Not Initiate a New Era of History

Though significant, the end of the Cold War was not nearly as significant a turning point as President George H.W. Bush suggested it would be in 1990.

Charles Beard: Punished for Seeking Peace

His reputation was savaged because he had the temerity to question the 'Good War' narrative.
Zbigniew Brzezinski

Less Than Grand Strategy

Zbigniew Brzezinski’s Cold War.
Title card for Burns and Novick's Vietnam War documentary.

‘The Vietnam War’: Past All Reason

The new series by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick is mesmerizing. But it doesn’t answer key questions about the Vietnam War.

Bill O’Reilly Is America’s Best-Selling Historian

And other problems we need to solve before we can get out of this mess.

Still Chasing the Wrong Rainbows

What historian William Appleman Williams taught us about foreign policy and the good society.

The Odds Against Antiwar Warriors

A review of Michael Kazin's "War Against War: The American Fight for Peace, 1914-1918."