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Trump in Action: Comparing the Pace of Trump's Executive Orders to Recent Presidents

How do Trump's first 100 days measure up?
Line graph comparing executive actions over presidents' first 100 days in office.

1. How does President Trump's pace of executive orders compare to his predecessors? (see graph)

His written orders include documents titled "Executive Order," Memorandum, and Proclamation. His pace is similar to that of President Obama. Click here to see a list of the Obama and Trump orders (with links to the text) side-by-side by day.

2. Is the content or subject matter of Trump's executive orders thus far markedly different than those issued in the early days of previous administrations?

Typically a President's initial orders are intended to immediately make good on campaign promises and commitments. As a result, these include specific actions repudiating some of the prior administration's policies. In that respect, Trump is very much in the normal stream.

However, often campaign commitments cannot be fulfilled by executive action (e.g., to change taxes, permanently cut spending, increase the size of the military, enact a new system of regulation of financial institutions). An aggressive legislative program would be needed, and several of President Trump's orders are directed toward calling for prepartion of that program.

In some instances, President Trump is talking a very expansive view of the discretion available to him. We now can be confident that that view will be challenged in various venues.

3. Does this White House's roll out seem different, especially on with respect to border security and entry of foreigners?

These actions are unusual in their scope; in the chaotic and rapid pace of their introduction; and in the fact that the President had on many prior occasions voiced his interest in considering religion in immigration and refugee vetting. Typically executive orders that involve complex implementation challenges would be preceded by extensive advance consultation and notice. This order was intended to have a big effect, but it seems unlikely the planners of this order completely foresaw the breadth and intensity of the negative response.