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Extremism in America: The Oklahoma City Bombing

Neo-Nazi propaganda, military deployment and the F.B.I. raid in Waco, Texas, radicalized Timothy McVeigh and led to the Oklahoma City attack.

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A bomb went off at a federal building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, killing 168 people and injuring hundreds. The police soon arrested an anti-government extremist, Timothy McVeigh, and an accomplice, for plotting and carrying out the attack. McVeigh said he timed the bombing to coincide with the anniversary of the F.B.I. siege at Waco. The bombers were tried and convicted in 1997. But the movement they belonged to has not disappeared, a counterterrorism expert told us: “They bide their time.”

This is the second episode of a five-part series in collaboration with The WNET Group’s reporting initiative Exploring Hate.
