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Fort Mose: The First All-Black Settlement in the U.S.

Be Woke Presents Black History in Two Minutes (or so).

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Fort Mose: The First All-Black Settlement in the U.S.

Black History in Two Minutes or so

As European countries battled to claim territories in America, the Spanish state  — which is now known as Florida — became a haven for slaves who ran away from the British colonies. In 1738, a group of these escaped slaves created the first black town, called Fort Mose.

Word spread quickly about the new town, and slaves just north of them created a plan to revolt and make their way to join the freed settlement. A year later, the Stono Rebellion would lead to nearly 100 slaves battling local militia all in the name of freedom. Although While British colonial forces would seize Florida and For Mose would no longer exist, the settlement will always be remembered as the first black town in American history.

In this episode of Black History In Two Minutes or So hosted by Henry Louis Gates Jr., with additional commentary from Hasan Jeffries of Ohio State University, we will take a look at the slaves who risked it all on a quest to attain the freedom they deserved.