What Even Is "Leadership"?

And why won't all the worst people stop talking about it?
Chairs on top of tables in an empty classroom

Are A.P. Classes a Waste of Time?

Advanced Placement courses are no recipe for igniting the intellect beyond high school. They’re a recipe for extinguishing it.
UC Berkeley campus

The Prophet of Academic Doom

Robert Nisbet predicted the managerialism that has brought universities low. But he also saw a way out.

The History BA Since the Great Recession

In the wake of the 2008 financial collapse, no undergraduate area of study has fallen off more than history.
Cover page of an AP Psychology exam

Bankrupt Authority

Advanced Placement testing is "a money-making racket that lets states off the hook for underfunding education."
A view of the campus of New College of Florida in Sarasota, Fla,. on Jan. 19, 2023.

The History Behind the Right's Effort to Take Over Universities

The right has had qualms about universities since the 1930s.
Painting of 19th century British schoolgirls walking in a group

Hearts and Minds

What we fight about when we fight about schools.

Want to Save the Humanities? Make College Free

It's time to shift the social contract of education away from short-term job training toward long-term development.

Do We Know What History Students Learn?

It's not enough to say that they pick up critical thinking skills. It's time to offer evidence.