Historians' Statement on the Impeachment of President Trump

Over 1000 historians have signed this statement condemning President Trump's actions.
Jesselyn Radack and Thomas Drake

Do Whistleblower Protections Work? Ask This One.

A case from almost a decade ago reveals the peril faced by whistleblowers seeking to expose wrongdoing.
Andrew Johnson impeachment.

The Common Misconception About ‘High Crimes and Misdemeanors’

The constitutional standard for impeachment is different from what’s at play in a regular criminal trial.
Demonstrators with signs reading "Impeach Nixon" march toward the U.S. Capitol.

How Watergate Set the Stage for the Trump Impeachment Inquiry

The Nixon impeachment proceedings and their parallels with the Trump-Ukraine scandal.
Roger Stone

How to Steal an American Election

From Alexander Hamilton to Richard Nixon and more: meddling, fixing, rigging, fraud, and violence.
Alan Dershowitz

Trump’s Attorneys Have Butchered a Crucial Founder’s Take on Impeachment

Gouverneur Morris’s views changed during the Constitutional Convention — setting a good example for senators today.

This Is Not the Senate the Framers Imagined

The Constitution originally provided for the selection of senators by state legislatures, but the 17th Amendment changed that, and with it, the Senate itself.
Edmund G. Ross.

Mike Pence’s Impeachment Hero Is a Corrupt 19th Century Politician

An historian debunks the vice president’s op-ed.

Presidents Madison and Trump Did the Same Thing — but Trump Got Impeached

Why criminalizing political opposition can be dangerous.

"No" on Impeachment Unites Today's GOP. In the 1950s, a Renegade Dared to Break Ranks

Breaking with party unity can be costly. In the 1950's, Senator Margaret Chase Smith of Maine faced backlash after she condemned McCarthy, a fellow Republican.

Republicans Defending Trump on Impeachment Should Fear the Judgment of History

For Nixon stalwarts on the House Judiciary Committee, defending the President became an inalterable epitaph.

‘Lock Me Up’: The Last Man to be Arrested for Defying Congress During an Investigation

In 1935, the case went to the Supreme Court, which upheld the Senate’s power to jail a recalcitrant aviation industry lawyer.
Three men in suits.

The GOP Appointees Who Defied the President

In the Watergate era, high-level aides prevented Nixon’s abuses of power. Trump’s underlings can do the same.

The Case Against an American King, Then and Now

Liesl Schillinger Considers the Impeachment of Donald Trump vs. the Indictment of George III.
QAnon sign in a crowd of Trump supporters at a DeSantis rally.

Why Americans Turn to Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories have been a central feature in American politics since before the Revolution.

The Difference Between Nixon and Trump is Fox News

Fox News shields President Trump, but his love for their conspiracies might bring him down.
Senate trying Andrew Johnson for impeachment in 1868.

Impeachment is the Right Call Even if the Senate Keeps President Trump in Office

Awaiting a Senate trial might curtail Trump's worst behaviors.

The Mafia Style in American Politics

Roy Cohn connects the McCarthy era to the age of Trump across more than half a century.

America Needs Whistle-Blowers Because of People Like This

Since the founding, Congress has supported democracy and public integrity by protecting those who spoke up about abuses of power.

"He Lies Like a Dog": The First Effort to Impeach a President Was Led by His Own Party

Long before President Donald Trump, there was President John Tyler.