Cartoon depiction of a confederate statue, its hat falling off as it is lifted off a pedestal covered in graffiti about love and justice

After the Lost Cause

Why are politics so consumed with the past?
Carrie Buck and her mother, Emma, at the Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded, 1924

The Chilling Persistence of Eugenics

Elizabeth Catte’s new book traces a shameful history and its legacy today.
Patchwork collage of Joe Biden

All the President’s Historians

Joe Biden has met with scholars to discuss his presidency and likely legacy—but what are we to make of his special relationship with historian Jon Meacham?
A still from "Judas and the Black Messiah."

The Unsettling Message of ‘Judas and the Black Messiah’

The new crime thriller about a magnetic leader of the Black Panther Party is a sharp criticism of the FBI’s surveillance of social movements past and present.
A sign being held at the January 6 Trump rally that depicts Donald Trump holding the head of Karl Marx.

Vikings, Crusaders, Confederates

Misunderstood historical imagery at the January 6 Capitol insurrection.
Political cartoon depicting the menace of monopolies and trusts (1899)

Degeneration Nation

How a Gilded Age best seller shaped American race discourse.

I Asked 5 Fascism Experts Whether Donald Trump Is a Fascist.

The verdict was unanimous.
Graffitied Robert E. Lee Statue with child playing basketball.

The New Monuments That America Needs

Every statue defends an idea about history, but what if those ideas are wrong?

When Monuments Fall

Moral complexity may be an argument against unthinking iconoclasm. It is not, however, an argument for never taking down statues.
People raising their fists and gathered around the Robert E. Lee Memorial in Richmond, Virginia

Europe in 1989, America in 2020, and the Death of the Lost Cause

A whole vision of history seems to be leaving the stage.

The History That James Baldwin Wanted America to See

For Baldwin, the past had always been bent in service of a lie. Could a true story be told?
Two men talking, one with an American flag and one with a 'thin blue line' flag.

The Short, Fraught History of the ‘Thin Blue Line’ American Flag

The controversial version of the U.S. flag has been hailed as a sign of police solidarity and criticized as a symbol of white supremacy.

Confederate Monuments Haunt American Democracy

Why Southerners protesting structural racism in the criminal justice system have turned time and again to the monuments in their communities.
U.V.A. Inauguration Day 1921

Jefferson’s Shadow

On the occasion of its bicentennial, and in the wake of racist violence in Charlottesville, UVA confronts its history.

The Original Southerners

American Indians, the Civil War, and Confederate memory.

Why is the Army Still Honoring Confederate Generals?

Confederate Statues aren't the only reminder of the Civil War - the US Army still has major bases named for Confederate soldiers.

Washington’s Legacy for American Jews: ‘To Bigotry No Sanction’

In 1790, as the First Amendment was being ratified, George Washington made a promise to American Jews.

There’s a New Way to Deal with Confederate Monuments

Officials in a number of towns and cities are putting up signs to explain the monuments' racist history.
Protester at an "America First" rally.

The Great-Granddaddy of White Nationalism

Thomas Dixon’s racist discourse lurks in American politics and society even today.

How to Fight 8chan Medievalism—and Why We Must

White supremacists are co-opting the Middle Ages. Fighting back requires us to tell better, fuller stories about the period.