Demonstrators against police brutality.

The Explicit Anthem of Anti-Racist Protest

Rap group N.W.A. understood vulgarity and controversy were necessary to draw attention to police brutality.
A wanted poster that reads "Wanted by the people: murder, aggravated assault and battery, denying civil rights, perjury. Brinley Evans, Thomas Lyons."

Wanted: An End to Police Terror

The pursuit of justice has been defined by a rote binary of punished in a cage versus unpunished and free.
White state militia man with rifle confronting a Black man in a U.S. military uniform, while others look on.

How Racist Policing Took Over American Cities

"The problem is the way policing was built," historian Khalil Muhammad says.

Rosa Parks on Police Brutality: The Speech We Never Heard

The Northern Student Movement considered inviting Rosa Parks to give a speech on police brutality, but ultimately decided against it.
Police body cam

The American Tradition of Anti-Black Vigilantism

The history of patrols, body cams, and more.

On Eric Garner, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Police Brutality as American Tradition

“¿DEFACEMENT?,” Inspired by the 1983 Police Murder of Michael Stewart.

The Bad-Apple Myth of Policing

Violence perpetrated by cops doesn’t simply boil down to individual bad actors—it’s also a systemic, judicial failing.

Uncovering the Truth About a Raid on the Black Panthers

How a team of lawyers exposed lies about police violence.

The Assassination of Fred Hampton

The young Civil Rights activist was killed in the dead of night by police and the FBI. Who was Fred Hampton?

This, Too, Was History

The battle over police-torture and reparations in Chicago’s schools.


For years, Chicago cops tortured false confessions out of hundreds of black men. Years later, the survivors fought for reparations.

The Kerner Omission

How a landmark report on the 1960s race riots fell short on police reform.

Remember the Orangeburg Massacre

The February 1968 killing of three student protesters in Orangeburg, SC marked a turning point in the black freedom struggle.

In 1968, Three Students Were Killed by Police. Today, Few Remember the Orangeburg Massacre

The shootings occurred two years before the deaths at Kent State University, but remain a little-known incident in the Civil Rights Movement.

Police Dogs and Anti-Black Violence

Police brutality has been a hot topic in contemporary society, but when did this all really start and where did dogs get involved?

Ida B. Wells Offered The Solution To Police Violence More Than 100 Years Ago

The answer runs through the history of anti-lynching laws.
The inmates during a negotiating session on September 10, 1971. An uprising born of panic and confusion triggered a cascade of paranoia that extended to the Nixon White House.

Learning from the Slaughter in Attica

What the 1971 uprising and massacre reveal about our prison system and the liberal democratic state.

The Canine Terror

Since slavery, dogs have been used to intimidate and control African Americans.
Policemen with nightsticks dragging Black man down the street.

What the Kerner Report Got Wrong about Policing

The Kerner report neglected that police were not simply careless with black lives; they deliberately sought to punish black lives.

The Awakening of Thurgood Marshall

The case he didn’t expect to lose. And why it mattered that he did.