LBJ at his desk writing.

A Brief History of Slavery Reparation Promises

Several 2020 presidential candidates have called for reparations for slavery in the U.S.

This Could Be the First Slavery Reparations Policy in America

Georgetown University students consider a fund to benefit descendants of 272 slaves sold by the school nearly two centuries ago.

Making Good on the Broken Promise of Reparations

Ignoring the moral imperative of repairing slavery's wounds because it might be “divisive” reinforces a myth of white innocence.


For years, Chicago cops tortured false confessions out of hundreds of black men. Years later, the survivors fought for reparations.

A Reparations Map for Farmers of Color May Help Right Historical Wrongs

In an effort to address centuries of systemic racism, a new online tool seeks to connect Black, brown, and Indigenous farmers with land and resources.

A Case for Reparations at the University of Chicago

What does the institution owe the descendants of slaves?

What White Catholics Owe Black Americans

It's time to acknowledge that White Catholics’ American dream was built on profits plundered from black women, men, and children.

Bernie Sanders Is Right That Reparations Would Be Divisive

But the Vermont senator’s political revolution depends on white America, too.
Elder M. Andrew Robinson-Gaither demonstrates for reparations for slavery.

The Thirteenth Amendment and a Reparations Program

The amendment, which brought an end to slavery in the U.S., could be used to begin a national debate on reparations.

The Case for Reparations

Until we reckon with our compounding moral debts, America will never be whole.
Cover of "Empire of Necessity" featuring a painting of violence being wrought on enslaved men.

The Bleached Bones of the Dead

What the modern world owes slavery. (It’s more than back wages).
1924 map of Baltimore city. An orange circle marks the location of Burton's store

Samuel L. Burton’s Remarkable Comeback Story

In one of the most unique cases in the history of race riots, the African American businessperson sued his birthplace of Onancock, Virginia, in September 1910.
Martin Luther King, Jr. with hands raised in front of bookshelf

Martin Luther King, Critical Race Theorist

Republicans may claim otherwise, but the civil rights hero was no color-blind conservative.

Black Archives Look to Preservation Amid Growing US History Bans

Matter-of-fact accounting of the legal mechanism of slavery provides insight into American history and the country’s fraught present.
Opal Lee.

A Racist Mob Destroyed Her Home. She Was Given the Land 84 Years Later.

A racist mob forced Opal Lee and her family from their Fort Worth home. Now she has been given the land and a new house is being built for her.
Five generations of a family pose at the plantation where they were enslaved, soon after Union forces arrived in Beaufort, South Carolina, 1863.

More Than 100 U.S. Political Elites Have Family Links to Slavery

Among America's political elite, 5 living presidents, 2 Supreme Court justices, 11 governors, and 100 legislators have ancestors who enslaved Black people.
Drawing of slave auction

Why Did Governments Compensate Slaveholders for Abolition?

Across the Americas, emancipation moved slowly, and profited those who had benefited from slavery most.
Twin brothers Jonathan and Matthew Burgess.

The Black Families Seeking Reparations in California’s Gold Country

Descendants of enslaved people want land seized by the state returned and recognition of the gold rush’s rich, and largely ignored, Black history.
Bylaw excerpt of racial restrictions in housing.

A New Law Addresses the Harm Done by Decades of Racist Housing Practices

The Washington state law provides low-interest loans for down payments for those harmed by racially restrictive covenants.
People working in fields, figures in an account book, and a copy of the Guardian newspaper.

Guardian Owner Apologises for Founders’ Links to Transatlantic Slavery

Scott Trust to invest in decade-long programme of restorative justice after academic research into newspaper’s origins.