
Adam Winkler

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The justices again appear poised to pursue a purely theoretical liberty at the expense of the lives of people of color.

How Corporations Won Their Civil Rights

The Court got it right—but it's not a conclusion we should be entirely comfortable with.

Artificial Persons

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The 200-Year Legal Struggle That Led to Citizens United

How businesses campaigned to win constitutional rights and expand their political reach.

Straight Shot

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A picture of Huey Newton and Fredrika Newton embracing.

The Misunderstood Visionary Behind the Black Panther Party

Huey P. Newton has been mythologized and maligned since his murder 34 years ago. His family and friends offer an intimate look inside his life and mind.
Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley delivering the welcoming address to delegates at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, on Aug. 26, 1968. BETTMANN ARCHIVE, VIA GETTY IMAGES

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Reenactment of Old West gun fight

American Gun Culture Ignores How Common Gun Restrictions Were In The Old West

A scholar of gun culture looks at the roots of Americans’ love affair with firearms – and their willingness to accept gun violence as a price of freedom.