
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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The door and interior tunnel of the Nantucket fallout shelter.

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The president's Nantucket nuclear fallout shelter could become a National Historic Landmark—but efforts to preserve its history have stalled.
President John F. Kennedy and first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

"What Are They Hiding?"

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John F. Kennedy standing at a microphone, holding notes.

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John F. Kennedy at his graduation from Harvard, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1940

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John F. Kennedy giving a speech.


Jack Kennedy, we hardly know ye—and to know ye is not to love ye.

What John F. Kennedy’s Moon Speech Means 50 Years Later

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”

Before Trump vs. the NFL, There was Jackie Robinson vs. JFK

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Trying to Remember J.F.K.

On the centenary of his birth, seeking the man behind the myth.
Cover of the New York Review issue after JFK's assassination, featuring a seal with an eagle that has been felled by arrows.

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Reflections on the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Screenshot of JFK's televised address.

President Kennedy's Cuban Missile Crisis Oval Office Address

In response to the build-up of Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba, JFK ordered a quarantine of the island and military surveillance missions.
The crime scene. A woman's body lies in the middle of a clearning next to the river, surrounded by coroners and police

Bad Shot, Mary

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Secret Service agent Paul Landis, JFK, and Jackie Kennedy in crowd.

A New JFK Assassination Revelation Could Upend the Long-Held “Lone Gunman” Theory

Former Secret Service agent Paul Landis, largely silent for 60 years, says he found a bullet in Kennedy’s limo. Here's why that’s so significant, if true.
Castro and Kruschev.

Putin’s Nuclear Threats Evoke Cold War Tensions of the Cuban Missile Crisis

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Lee Harvey Oswald in Police Custody

Decades Later, The JFK Assassination Still Keeps Some Secrets

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JFK and Jacqueline in the convertible limousine in Dallas.

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Then-Sen. John F. Kennedy (left) met with Democratic Party rival Adlai Stevenson on the porch of Kennedy’s house in 1960.

How JFK Sacrificed Adlai Stevenson and the Lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis

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John F. Kennedy on a TV screen.

The Book That Stopped an Outbreak of Nuclear War

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nuclear explosion

The Day Nuclear War Almost Broke Out

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