
Thomas Jefferson

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Archaeologists have uncovered the slave quarters of Sally Hemings at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello mansion.

The Immigration-Obsessed, Polarized, Garbage-Fire Election of 1800

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Albert Bierstadt painting of American Indians in a forest.

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Rembrandt Peale's portrait of Thomas Jefferson wearing a simple black coat.

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Thomas Jefferson's republican simplicity.
Portrait of Thomas Jefferson.

That Government is Best...

Did Thomas Jefferson really believe, “That government is best which governs least?”
Oil on canvas (1993–94) depicting the third signing of the Louisiana Treaty in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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Engraving of the Battle of Lexington After Alonzo Chappel: American colonists and British soldiers exchange fire at the Battle of Lexington, the first skirmish in the US War of Independence.

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"The President's House" (The White House), in the nineteenth century, print by Isidore Laurent Deroy after Augustus Kollner, 1848.

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Then President Donald Trump, right, and Joe Biden, then the Democratic presidential nominee, during the U.S. presidential debate at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn., on Oct. 22, 2020.

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A first edition of the book "Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral", by Phillis Wheatley.

Presidents Day, Meet Black History Month

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The First Women’s Rights Convention, Seneca Falls, 1848.

What American Divorces Tell Us About American Marriages

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Cover of book Seeing Red.

The State of Nature

From Jefferson's viewpoint, Native peoples could claim a title to their homelands, but they did not own that land as private property.
Painting of a valley with storm clouds

Storm Patrol

Life as a Signal Corps weatherman was dangerous: besides inclement weather, they faced labor riots, conflicts with Native Americans, yellow fever outbreaks, fires, and more.
Samuel Chase.

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A diagram of the solar system from 1781, focused on Uranus.

American Uranus

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Table of election returns printed in newspaper in 1796.

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Alien Invasion, 1492, by Ka’ila Farrell-Smith, depicting animals with harsh lines and the word "un-erasing."

How Wikipedia Distorts Indigenous History

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