The Forgotten Internment of Japanese Americans in Hawaii

A dark chapter in the history of religious persecution.
John Trumbull's painting of Alexander Hamilton, 1806 (National Portrait Gallery).

Founding Philosemitism

Alexander Hamilton always believed that the providential protection that kept the small Jewish world alive would embrace his own extraordinary nation.
Americans with signs and a banner Abdisellam Hassen Ahmed and his family to the US.

Welcome Corps, the Newest Idea in Refugee Resettlement, Has Deep Roots

The new program might strengthen personal connections to refugees, but history shows there are potential downsides, as well.
"Submission of the Mohawk," illustration of Native Americans making offerings to Europeans.

America and the "Heathen": How We Set Ourselves Apart From "Sh**hole Countries"

The concept of "heathenism" may seem outmoded, but it defines race and religion in America.
Whoopi Goldberg overlaid with black and white stripes on red background

Whoopi Goldberg’s American Idea of Race

The “racial” distinctions between master and slave may be more familiar to Americans, but they were and are no more real than those between Gentile and Jew.
Walmart Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith As Lieutenant General Of The Nauvoo Legion

The Fallacy of Religious Freedom

When the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith ran for president, he wasn’t seeking further glory but a policy change in religious liberty.
A WPA poster styled man in a field with a Mac laptop and earbud instead of farm implements.

The New National American Elite

America is now ruled by a single elite class rather than by local patrician smart sets competing with each other for money and power.
The book cover for "They Knew They Were Pilgrims."

A History of the Pilgrims That Neither Idolizes Nor Demonizes Them

Historian John Turner tells the story of Plymouth Colony with nuance and care.
Drawing of pilgrims walking in a line in the snow

Why the Puritans Cracked Down on Celebrating Christmas

It was less about their asceticism and more about rejecting the world they had fled.
The Oquirrh Mountain Temple in Salt Lake City

The Most American Religion

Perpetual outsiders, Mormons spent 200 years assimilating to a certain national ideal—only to find their country in an identity crisis.
Statue of Thomas Jefferson and an American flag.

Jefferson's Other Legacy: Religious Liberty

Religious bigotry is only less pressing today than racial bigotry because of progress Jefferson helped bring about.

Washington’s Legacy for American Jews: ‘To Bigotry No Sanction’

In 1790, as the First Amendment was being ratified, George Washington made a promise to American Jews.
Young Japanese American girl Yoshiko Hide Kishi. Tom Hide Collection, Washington State University Libraries' MASC.

The Complex Role Faith Played for Incarcerated Japanese-Americans During World War II

Smithsonian curator of religion Peter Manseau weighs in on a history that must be told.

The Original Constitution of the United States: Religion, Race, and Gender

The Constitution of 2018 is not the Constitution written by the Framers in 1787, and no one should wish otherwise.

Why Putin is an Ally for American Evangelicals

American evangelicals once saw the Soviet Union and other communist countries as the world’s greatest threat to their faith.
The April 1966 cover of “Ramparts," featuring a caricature of Madame Nhu dressed as a Michigan State University cheerleader

The University That Launched a CIA Front Operation in Vietnam

A Vietnamese politician and an American academic led Michigan State University into a nation-building experiment and pulled America deeper into war.
An open book.

Periodicals Are Reassessing Their Pasts. It’s Time for Publishers to Do the Same

For decades, book publishers regularly rejected authors on the basis of their race and religion. Their voices deserve to be heard.

What the Prisoners’ Rights Movement Owes to the Black Muslims of the 1960s

Black Muslims have been an influential force in the prisoners' rights movement and criminal justice reform.
Drawing of a prisoner with his head in his hands, viewed from behind a fence

Guantánamo Bay is Still Open. Still. STILL!

41 men are still being held without charges, without a way to leave, without homes to return to.
Protestor outside the Supreme Court, with a Bible and a sign denouncing bigotry.

Discriminating in the Name of Religion? Segregationists and Slaveholders Did It, Too.

If religious freedom trumps equality under the law, it provides a “cover” that actually encourages discrimination.