A man adjusts a protest sign at the base of the Confederate memorial known as the “Lost Cause” in Decatur, Ga.

Removing Lost Cause Monuments Is The First Step in Dismantling White Supremacy

African American activists have long coupled these efforts with fighting against racist laws and racial violence.
Protesters in front of a Confederate monument hold a banner that reads "Take the statue down."

Ole Miss’s Monument to White Supremacy

New evidence shows what the 30-foot-tall Confederate memorial was actually meant to commemorate.  
Statue of George Washington with an American flag tied to his face to cover his nose and mouth, like a covid mask or a gag.

Direct Action and the Rejection of Monumental History

As people have gathered across the country to oppose police violence, they have targeted statues, monuments, and buildings commemorating white supremacy.

Confederate Monuments Haunt American Democracy

Why Southerners protesting structural racism in the criminal justice system have turned time and again to the monuments in their communities.

There’s a New Way to Deal with Confederate Monuments

Officials in a number of towns and cities are putting up signs to explain the monuments' racist history.

Reflections on a Silent Soldier

After the television cameras went away, a North Carolina city debated the future of its toppled Confederate statue.

A Confederate Statue Graveyard Could Help Bury The Old South

A proposal to follow the model several former Soviet States have pioneered, to deal with our own monuments to the Confederacy.
Robert E. Lee statue

Mistaken Ruling over Lee and Jackson Statues Extends Charlottesville Harm

The Lee and Jackson statues were erected not to mourn their deaths, but to glorify their character.

The Costs of the Confederacy

In the last decade, taxpayers have spent at least $40 million on Confederate monuments and groups that perpetuate racist ideology.
Historical marker in Memphis telling the history of Nathan Bedford Forrest

Naming the Enslaved, Reconciling the Past in Memphis

The roll call for the names of 74 African Americans sold into slavery by Nathan Bedford Forrest in Memphis was solemn.

Are Museums the Rightful Home for Confederate Monuments?

As museums formulate their approach to re-contextualization, they must also recognize their own histories of complicity.

On Statues, History, and Historians

A case study from Texas in how Lost Cause mythology was promoted and reified.

Why White Southern Conservatives Need to Defend Confederate Monuments

Confederate monuments were essential pieces of white supremacist propaganda.

Reclaiming Stone Mountain From the Alt-Right

How Stone Mountain could become a battlefield where neo-Confederates from across the country make their last stand.
Robert E. Lee statue

The Fight Over Virginia’s Confederate Monuments

How the state’s past spurred a racial reckoning.

The Painful History of a Confederate Monument Tells Itself

Haunting archival footage of Stone Mountain's creation.

The Future of our Confederate Monuments Rests With the Kids

The perspectives of older Americans have dominated the debate. It's time we pay more attention to what younger people have to say.

Our Silent Civil War: Debate Over Statues Didn't Come out of Thin Air

In history, suppressed memories, stories half-told or lied about, carry greater power for having been suppressed.

A Senator Speaks Out Against Confederate Monuments… in 1910

Alone in his stand, Weldon Heyburn despised that Robert E. Lee would be memorialized with a statue in the U.S. Capitol
The Old House Chamber has been used as National Statuary Hall since July 1864.

A Senator Speaks Out Against Confederate Monuments… in 1910

Alone in his stand, Weldon Heyburn despised that Robert E. Lee would be memorialized with a statue in the U.S. Capitol.