Trump Calls for More Patriotic Education

The president has blamed schools for spurring the unrest in several U.S. cities that has led in some cases to looting and fires.

How U.S. History Is Taught Has Always Been Political

Hearing about backlash to what kids are learning in U.S. History classrooms? It could have been last week—or 150 years ago.

The Problem in the Classroom

Any true reckoning with racism must include our schools.

Teaching History Is Hard

Bunk Executive Director Ed Ayers on the importance of teaching students to think for themselves.

How Educators Are Rethinking The Way They Teach Immigration History

At Boston Latin School teachers are changing the way they prepare their students to think critically about immigration policy.
Advertisement commemorating 25 years of video games since the release of Oregon Trail.

Playing in the Past

Gameplay can be useful in history classrooms – but manufacturers have to think about how children will be affected by the competition.

Inside a New Effort to Change What Schools Teach About Native American History

A new curriculum from the American Indian Museum brings greater depth and understanding to the long-misinterpreted history of indigenous culture.

Pessimism and Primary Sources in the Survey

The pessimism of some historians does an injustice to marginalized people of the past and can produce cynicism in students.

What It Felt Like

If “living history” role-plays in the classroom can so easily go wrong, why do teachers keep assigning them?

Want to Save the Humanities? Make College Free

It's time to shift the social contract of education away from short-term job training toward long-term development.

The Decline of Historical Thinking

For the past decade, history has been declining more rapidly than any other major, even as more and more students attend college.

The History BA Since the Great Recession

In the wake of the 2008 financial collapse, no undergraduate area of study has fallen off more than history.

How History Class Divides Us

What if America's inability to agree on its shared history—and how to teach it—is a cause of our polarization and political dysfunction, rather than a symptom?
The Alamo.

Once Again, Texas’s Board of Education Exposed How Poorly We Teach History

We’re not equipping children to become good citizens.
Illustration of money burning

Obituary for a Billion-Dollar Boondoggle

Nearly two decades ago, historians embraced a hugely wasteful federal education program. It’s past time to reckon with that.
Zinn's book, "A People's History of the United States."

Howard Zinn’s Anti-Textbook

Teachers and students love "A People’s History of the United States." But it’s just as limited as the textbooks it replaces.
Schoolchildren writing on a chalkboard.

Why Read "Why Learn History"

(When It’s Already Summarized in This Article?)

Do We Know What History Students Learn?

It's not enough to say that they pick up critical thinking skills. It's time to offer evidence.
Painting of a slave auction.

Teaching Hard History

A new study suggests that high school students lack a basic knowledge of the role slavery played in shaping the United States.

Alexander Hamilton: Statesman, Dueler, Birthday Party Theme

Projected to earn $1 billion and earning Tony-Award glory, 'Hamilton' the musical is still going strong in backyards and classrooms across the country.