the contra military group

Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair

Reagan's commitment to deregulation, aggressive military spending, and diminished oversight created a cocktail of corruption that was worse than Watergate.
Portrait of Martin Delany in uniform

The Organizer’s Mind of Martin Delany

Delany's insistence on interest-based coalitions, evident in his fiction and political prose, explains his late-Reconstruction defection to the Democrats and his strategies for revolution.
Graffito picture of Richard Nixon superimposed on lines an German text.

Richard Nixon, Modular Man

Even knowing every awful thing Richard Nixon would go on to do, you had to respect, as the phrase goes, his hustle.

The Loser King

Failing upward with Oliver North.

Trump's not Richard Nixon. He's Andrew Johnson.

Betrayal. Paranoia. Cowardice. We've been here before.
Demonstrators with signs reading "Impeach Nixon" march toward the U.S. Capitol.

How Watergate Set the Stage for the Trump Impeachment Inquiry

The Nixon impeachment proceedings and their parallels with the Trump-Ukraine scandal.
Photograph of Roy Cohn sitting in a wooden brown and yellow upholstered chair.

Covering for Roy Cohn

A documentary about his life and circle is a study in complicity.

Nancy Pelosi, Impeachment, and Places in History

Nancy Pelosi's reluctance to impeach Trump only denies the reality of his transgressions.

Trump's Taxes are Fair Game. Just Ask Warren G. Harding.

The Teapot Dome scandal resulted in a 1924 law that gives the House Ways and Means Committee authority to demand returns.
Monica Lewinsky surrounded by men in suits.

Why I Participated in a New Docuseries on The Clinton Affair

Reliving the events of 1998 was traumatic, yes—but also worth it, if it helps another young person avoid being “That Woman”-ed.

Was Gary Hart Set Up?

On his deathbed, GOP strategist Lee Atwater admitted he staged the events that brought down a Democratic presidential candidate.

The Man Who Broke Politics

Gingrich turned partisan battles into bloodsport, wrecked Congress, and paved the way for Trump’s rise. Now he’s reveling in it.

Being Morally Serious About the Supreme Court

What sorts of youthful transgressions are forgivable, and which are disqualifying, for which jobs?
Line illustration of Trump looking out a window, by João Fazenda.

Measuring Presidents’ Misdeeds

During Watergate, historians helped catalogue accusations made against past Presidents; their findings may be useful again.

An Inquiry Into Abuse

Allegations that Nixon beat his wife have circulated for years without serious examination by those who covered his presidency.

Trump's Nixon-Style Enemies List

The parallel with Nixon leads to this question: Will voters still hold a president accountable for abuse of power?
Trump's cabinet sitting around a conference table

History Shows Trump May Regret His Scandalous Cabinet

George Washington knew the perils of letting scandals linger.

The Only Way to Find Out If the President Can Be Indicted

Scholars disagree on existing precedents—and the question won’t be settled until evidence leads a prosecutor to try it.

The 19th-Century Election That Predicted the Mueller Mess

After Democrats lost in 1876, they set about investigating the new Republican president — only for everything to backfire.
Drawing showing Nixon and Clinton in a criminal line-up

How Impeachment Works

It’s not enough to bring the articles of impeachment against an official – you have to convict them, too.