
Howard Zinn

Related Excerpts

Howard Zinn Carried Out an Act of Radical Diplomacy in the Middle of the Vietnam War

The famous historian was also an antiwar activist who went to North Vietnam in 1968 to accompany three captured US pilots back home.
Picture of John Silber in a tuxedo.

Saving John Silber

What we can learn from the work of the university administrator who went toe to toe with Howard Zinn.

We Really Still Need Howard Zinn

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on why it's so important to tell the stories of people who have fueled social justice movements.
Zinn's book, "A People's History of the United States."

Howard Zinn’s Anti-Textbook

Teachers and students love "A People’s History of the United States." But it’s just as limited as the textbooks it replaces.
Cover of Zinn's "A People's History of the United States."

Howard Zinn's History Lessons

"A People’s History" is bad history, albeit gilded with virtuous intentions.
Covers of popular history books.

Who Is History For?

What happens when radical historians write for the public.
A U.S. flag superimposed over a crowd of faces.

Howard Zinn and the Politics of Popular History

The controversial historian drew criticism from both left and right. We need more like him today.
Statue of Stonewall Jackson, on its side in slings and propped up by tires, in front of its graffiti-covered pedestal.

What the 1619 Project Got Wrong

It erases the fact that, for the first 70 years of its existence, the US was roiled by intense, escalating conflict over slavery – a conflict only resolved by civil war.
Pictures of people in collage form.

The Center Does Not Hold

Jill Lepore’s awkward embrace of the nation.

The Treason of the Elites

For much of our clerisy, the nation is an anachronism or disgrace.
Paul Ortiz’s “African American and Latinx History of the United States.”

Beyond People’s History

On Paul Ortiz’s “African American and Latinx History of the United States.”

Boston’s Most Radical TV Show Blew the Minds of a Stoned Generation in 1967

When a Tufts instructor launched the trippy TV show on WGBH, it was unlike anything viewers had ever seen.
Collage of Heather Cox Richardson and the subjects of her book -- FDR, Lincoln, and Trump.

We Have No Princes: Heather Cox Richardson and the Battle over American History

One interpretation presents the country as irredeemably tainted by its past. Another contends that the United States has also tended toward egalitarianism.
Leaders of the 1963 March on Washington posing in front of the statue of Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln Memorial. August 28, 1963.

How the 1619 Project Distorted History

The 1619 Project claimed to reveal the unknown history of slavery. It ended up helping to distort the real history of slavery and the struggle against it.
Caricature of Richard Hofstadter surrounded by various American political figures

The Tragedy of the American Political Tradition

What prospects are there today for assessing American politics and history from an early Hofstadterian remove?
Chemical plant worker

Where Would We Be Without the New Deal?

A new history charts the forgotten ways the social politics of the Roosevelt years transformed the United States.
Photo of former African American woman, Bernette Johnson, wearing judicial robes

The Dissenter

The rise of the first Black woman on the Louisiana Supreme Court was characterized by one battle after another with the Deep South’s white power structure.
Land of Hope Book Cover, which has a painting of buildings and boats

An America Where Everyone Meant Well

Jonathan W. Wilson offers a constructively critical review of Wilfred McClay's American history textbook "Land of Hope."
Photograph of people lining up to hear arguments in Brown v. Board of Education.

The Case for Ending the Supreme Court as We Know It

The Supreme Court, the federal branch with the least public accountability, has historically sided with tradition over more expansive human rights visions.
James Baldwin

Freedom Day, 1963: A Lost Interview with James Baldwin

After Baldwin’s biographer died, her niece opened an old desk drawer and discovered a trove of interview material, some of it unpublished.