
Ta-Nehisi Coates

Related Excerpts

This Could Be the First Slavery Reparations Policy in America

Georgetown University students consider a fund to benefit descendants of 272 slaves sold by the school nearly two centuries ago.
Artistic photo for black history

The Trouble With Uplift

A curiously inflexible brand of race-first neoliberalism has taken root in American political discourse.

Beyond the Middle Passage

Intra-American trafficking magnified slavery’s impact.
"Black Panther" comic book cover.

Black Panther and the Black Panthers

Much is at stake in understanding the history and relationship between black superheroes and black revolutionaries.

Black Atlantis

Why do white people love Black Panther, just as they love Star Wars?

The Man Who Made Black Panther Cool

Christopher Priest broke Marvel's color barrier and reinvented a classic character. Why was he nearly written out of comics history?

Five Decades of White Backlash

President Trump is the embodiment of over 50 years of resistance to the policies Martin Luther King Jr. fought to enact.

Will America's Schools Ever Be Desegregated?

Though there are practical obstacles to school integration, it's not an unreachable ideal.
Stokely Carmichael talking to members of the press at the House Rules Committee (1966).

How to Fight White Backlash

What three seminal books from 1967 can teach us about fighting racism in the Trump era.

Let’s Relitigate the Civil War

There can be no "compromise" with the false view of America's past from Trumpists and pop historians alike.
Drawing of someone holding a photo of a Black family in front of a suburban home, and lighting the photo on fire.

America’s Shameful History of Housing Discrimination

The practice of “redlining” kept people of color from home loans for decades.

The Roots of Segregation

"The Color of Law" offers an indicting critique of the progressive agenda.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Mass Incarceration

The rise​ of mass incarceration in the early 1970s was fueled by white fear of black crime. But the fear of crime wasn’t confined to whites.

Monroe Work Today

On these pages you will meet Monroe Nathan Work, who lived from 1866- 1945. This website is a rebirth of one piece of his work.

On Memorial Day, Weaponizing the American Flag

As a young woman, civil rights pioneer Pauli Murray discovered that the flag could be used as a symbol of defiance.

How Hillary Clinton Got On The Wrong Side of Liberals' Changing Theory of American History

What she doesn't get about race and the Civil War.

Bernie Sanders Is Right That Reparations Would Be Divisive

But the Vermont senator’s political revolution depends on white America, too.
Jim Crow-era postcard with illustration of a black boy in the jaws of an alligator

How America Bought and Sold Racism, and Why It Still Matters

Today, very few white Americans openly celebrate the horrors of black enslavement—most refuse to recognize the brutal nature of the institution or activ...
Woman shielding her face with a newspaper reporting "Cops Fired 41 Shots."

The Social Construction of Race

Race is a social fiction imposed by the powerful on those they wish to control.